'This is an example C# source code for generating an EDI X12 275X210 using the Framework EDI component. 'The complete sample program can be downloaded from our HIPAA EDI Support webpage at http://www.edidev.com/example_hipaa.htmlprivate void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Generates 275 Patient Information - Additional Information to Support a Health Care Claim or Encounter ediDocument oEdiDoc; ediSchema oSchema; ediSchemas oSchemas; ediInterchange oInterchange; ediGroup oGroup; ediTransactionSet oTransactionSet; ediDataSegment oSegment; string sEdiFileName = ""; string sSefFileName = ""; string sPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; // Create the top-level application object "ediDocument". oEdiDoc = new ediDocument(); // This makes certain that Framework EDI only uses the SEF file provided, // and that it does not use its built-in Standard Reference table to generate // the EDI document oSchemas = (ediSchemas)oEdiDoc.GetSchemas(); oSchemas.EnableStandardReference = false; // The FORWARD-WRITE cursor increases the performance of processing the EDI // document (see Technical Note 3 below). oEdiDoc.CursorType = DocumentCursorTypeConstants.Cursor_ForwardWrite; // Terminators have to be specified. oEdiDoc.SegmentTerminator = "~{13:10}"; oEdiDoc.ElementTerminator = "*"; oEdiDoc.CompositeTerminator = "!"; sEdiFileName = "275_5010X210.X12"; sSefFileName = "275_005010X210.SemRef.SEF"; //evaluation SEF file // Specify SEF file to load. oSchema = (ediSchema)oEdiDoc.LoadSchema(sSefFileName, SchemaTypeIDConstants.Schema_Standard_Exchange_Format); // Creates the Interchange Control Header segment (ISA). oInterchange = (ediInterchange)oEdiDoc.CreateInterchange("X", "005010"); oSegment = (ediDataSegment)oInterchange.GetDataSegmentHeader(); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "00"); // Authorization Information Qualifier (I01) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, " "); // Authorization Information (I02) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "00"); // Security Information Qualifier (I03) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(4, 0, " "); // Security Information (I04) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(5, 0, "ZZ"); // Interchange ID Qualifier (I05) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(6, 0, "SENDER ID "); // Interchange Sender ID (I06) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(7, 0, "ZZ"); // Interchange ID Qualifier (I05) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(8, 0, "RECEIVER ID "); // Interchange Receiver ID (I07) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(9, 0, "010101"); // Interchange Date (I08) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(10, 0, "0101"); // Interchange Time (I09) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(11, 0, ":"); // Repetition Separator (I65) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(12, 0, "00501"); // Interchange Control Version Number (I11) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(13, 0, "000000001"); // Interchange Control Number (I12) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(14, 0, "0"); // Acknowledgment Requested (I13) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(15, 0, "T"); // Usage Indicator (I14) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(16, 0, "!"); // Component Element Separator (I15) // Creates the Functional Group Header segment (GS). oGroup = (ediGroup)oInterchange.CreateGroup("005010X210"); ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment)oGroup.GetDataSegmentHeader()); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "PI"); // Functional Identifier Code (479) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "APP SENDER"); // Application Sender's Code (142) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "APP RECEIVER"); // Application Receiver's Code (124) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(4, 0, "01010101"); // Date (373) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(5, 0, "01010101"); // Time (337) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(6, 0, "1"); // Group Control Number (28) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(7, 0, "X"); // Responsible Agency Code (455) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(8, 0, "005010X210"); // Version / Release / Industry Identifier Code (480) // TRANSACTION SET ID 275 - Patient Information // Creates the Transaction Set header segment (ST). oTransactionSet = (ediTransactionSet)oGroup.CreateTransactionSet("275"); ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment)oTransactionSet.GetDataSegmentHeader()); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "275"); // Transaction Set Identifier Code (143) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "0001"); // Transaction Set Control Number (329) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "005010X210"); // Implementation Convention Reference (1705) // Beginning Segment (BGN) oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment("BGN"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "11"); // Transaction Set Purpose Code (353) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "0001"); // Reference Identification (127) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "20060915"); // Date (373) // LOOP ID - 1000A PAYER NAME oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\NM1"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "PR"); // Entity Identifier Code (98) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "2"); // Entity Type Qualifier (1065) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "ABC INSURANCE COMPANY"); // Name Last or Organization Name (1035) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(8, 0, "XV"); // Identification Code Qualifier (66) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(9, 0, "12345"); // Identification Code (67) // LOOP ID - 1000B SUBMITTER INFORMATION oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\NM1"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "41"); // Entity Identifier Code (98) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "2"); // Entity Type Qualifier (1065) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "XYZ SERVICES"); // Name Last or Organization Name (1035) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(8, 0, "46"); // Identification Code Qualifier (66) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(9, 0, "A222222221"); // Identification Code (67) // LOOP ID - 1000C PROVIDER NAME INFORMATION oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\NM1"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "1P"); // Entity Identifier Code (98) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "2"); // Entity Type Qualifier (1065) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "ST HOLY HILLS HOSPITAL"); // Name Last or Organization Name (1035) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(8, 0, "XX"); // Identification Code Qualifier (66) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(9, 0, "3999000B01"); // Identification Code (67) // LOOP ID - 1100C PROVIDER IDENTIFICATION oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\NX1\NX1"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "1P"); // Entity Identifier Code (98) // Provider Address ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\NX1\N3")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "2345 Winter Blvd"); // Address Information (166) // Provider City, State, ZIP Code ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\NX1\N4")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "Miami"); // City Name (19) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "FL"); // State or Province Code (156) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "33132"); // Postal Code (116) // LOOP ID - 1000D PATIENT NAME oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\NM1"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "QC"); // Entity Identifier Code (98) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "1"); // Entity Type Qualifier (1065) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "JACKSON"); // Name Last or Organization Name (1035) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(4, 0, "JACK"); // Name First (1036) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(5, 0, "J"); // Name Middle (1037) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(8, 0, "MI"); // Identification Code Qualifier (66) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(9, 0, "987654320~"); // Identification Code (67) // REF - PATIENT CONTROL NUMBER ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\REF")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "EJ"); // Reference Identification Qualifier (128) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "JACKSON123"); // Reference Identification (127) // REF - MEDICAL RECORD IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\REF")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "EA"); // Reference Identification Qualifier (128) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "STHHL12345"); // Reference Identification (127) // DTP - CLAIM SERVICE DATE ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"NM1\DTP")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "472"); // Date/Time Qualifier (374) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "D8"); // Date Time Period Format Qualifier (1250) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "20060812"); // Date Time Period (1251) // LX - ASSIGNED NUMBER oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\LX"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "1"); // Assigned Number (554) // TRN - PAYER CLAIM CONTROLNUMBER/PROVIDER ATTACHMENT CONTROL NUMBER ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\TRN")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "2"); // Trace Type Code (481) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "1822634840"); // Reference Identification (127) // STC - STATUS INFORMATION ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\STC")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 1, "R4"); // Industry Code (1271) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 2, "18626-2"); // Industry Code (1271) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 4, "LOI"); // Code List Qualifier Code (1270) // DTP - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUBMISSION DATE oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\DTP\DTP"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "368"); // Date/Time Qualifier (374) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "D8"); // Date Time Period Format Qualifier (1250) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "20060915"); // Date Time Period (1251) // CAT - CATEGORY OF PATIENT INFORMATION SERVICE ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\DTP\CAT")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "AE"); // Report Type Code (755) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "TX"); // Report Transmission Code (756) // EFI - ELECTRONIC FORMAT IDENTIFICATION oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\DTP\EFI\EFI"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "05"); // Security Level Code (786) // BIN - BINARY DATA SEGMENT ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\DTP\EFI\BIN")); //oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, ""); // ' Length of Binary Data (784) automatically calculated and entered by FREDI oSegment.get_DataElement(2).ImportValue(sPath + @"\import\edidevpic.gif"); //sample binary file // LX - ASSIGNED NUMBER oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\LX"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "2"); // Assigned Number (554) // TRN - PAYER CLAIM CONTROLNUMBER/PROVIDER ATTACHMENT CONTROL NUMBER ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\TRN")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "2"); // Trace Type Code (481) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "1822634840"); // Reference Identification (127) // STC - STATUS INFORMATION ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\STC")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 1, "R4"); // Industry Code (1271) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 2, "18647-8"); // Industry Code (1271) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 4, "LOI"); // Code List Qualifier Code (1270) // DTP - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUBMISSION DATE oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\DTP\DTP"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "368"); // Date/Time Qualifier (374) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "D8"); // Date Time Period Format Qualifier (1250) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(3, 0, "20060915"); // Date Time Period (1251) // CAT - CATEGORY OF PATIENT INFORMATION SERVICE ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\DTP\CAT")); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "AE"); // Report Type Code (755) oSegment.set_DataElementValue(2, 0, "TX"); // Report Transmission Code (756) // EFI - ELECTRONIC FORMAT IDENTIFICATION oSegment = oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\DTP\EFI\EFI"); oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, "05"); // Security Level Code (786) // BIN - BINARY DATA SEGMENT ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oTransactionSet.CreateDataSegment(@"LX\DTP\EFI\BIN")); //oSegment.set_DataElementValue(1, 0, ""); // ' Length of Binary Data (784) automatically calculated and entered by FREDI oSegment.get_DataElement(2).ImportValue(sPath + @"\import\sampleText.txt"); //sample binary file // Trailing segments are automatically created when Framework EDI commits // (saves) the instance of "oEdiDoc" object into an EDI file. oEdiDoc.Save(sEdiFileName, 0); //Display EDI file frmViewEdi oViewEdi = new frmViewEdi(); oViewEdi.sEdiFile = oEdiDoc.GetEdiString(); oViewEdi.Show(); //destroy objects oSegment.Dispose(); oTransactionSet.Dispose(); oGroup.Dispose(); oInterchange.Dispose(); oSchema.Dispose(); oSchemas.Dispose(); oEdiDoc.Dispose(); }
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