private void btnAck_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ediDocument oEdiDoc = null; ediDataSegment oSegment = null; ediAcknowledgment oAck = null; ediSchemas oSchemas = null; string sSegmentID; string sLoopSection; int nArea; string sPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; //edi file to be acknowledged string sEdiFile = "837.X12"; Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; ediDocument.Set(ref oEdiDoc, new ediDocument()); // oEdiDoc = new ediDocument(); //By default, FREDI uses the universal coordinated time (UTC), however you can change it to local time oEdiDoc.set_Option(DocumentOptionIDConstants.OptDocument_UseLocalTime,1); // Disabling the internal standard reference library to makes sure that // FREDI uses only the SEF file provided ediSchemas.Set(ref oSchemas,(ediSchemas) oEdiDoc.GetSchemas()); //oSchemas = (ediSchemas) oEdiDoc.GetSchemas(); oSchemas.EnableStandardReference = false; // This makes certain that the EDI file must use the same version SEF file, otherwise // the process will stop. oSchemas.set_Option(SchemasOptionIDConstants.OptSchemas_VersionRestrict,1); // By setting the cursor type to ForwardOnly, FREDI does not load the entire file into memory, which // improves performance when processing larger EDI files. oEdiDoc.CursorType = DocumentCursorTypeConstants.Cursor_ForwardOnly; // If an acknowledgment file has to be generated, an acknowledgment object must be created, and its // property must be enabled before loading the EDI file. oAck = (ediAcknowledgment) oEdiDoc.GetAcknowledgment(); oAck.EnableFunctionalAcknowledgment = true; //Property to enable TA1 acknowledgment in the 997 oAck.EnableInterchangeAcknowledgment = true; //Option to combine the TA1 and 997 into one Interchange oAck.set_Option(Edidev.FrameworkEDI.AcknowledgmentOptionIDConstants.OptAcknowledgment_Combine,1); // Set the starting point of the control numbers in the acknowledgment oAck.set_Property(AcknowledgmentPropertyIDConstants.PropertyAck_StartInterchangeControlNum,1001); oAck.set_Property(AcknowledgmentPropertyIDConstants.PropertyAck_StartGroupControlNum,1); oAck.set_Property(AcknowledgmentPropertyIDConstants.PropertyAck_StartTransactionSetControlNum,1); // Error codes that are not automatically mapped to an acknowlegment error number by FREDI can be set by // using the MapDataElementLevelError method. oAck.MapDataElementLevelError(13209, 5,"","","",""); // All SEF files required for processing the EDI files must be provided by calling the LoadSchema. // The "LoadSchema" method does not actually load the SEF files at this time, but are actually // loaded during the LoadEdi method. oEdiDoc.LoadSchema(sPath + "837_X098.SEF", 0); //for EDI (837) file oEdiDoc.LoadSchema(sPath + "997_X12-4010.SEF", 0); //for Ack (997) file // Loads EDI file and the corresponding SEF file oEdiDoc.LoadEdi(sPath + sEdiFile); // Gets the first data segment in the EDI files ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment) oEdiDoc.FirstDataSegment); //oSegment = (ediDataSegment) oEdiDoc.FirstDataSegment // This loop iterates though the EDI file a segment at a time while ( oSegment != null ) { // A segment is identified by its Area number, Loop section and segment id. sSegmentID = oSegment.ID; sLoopSection = oSegment.LoopSection; nArea = oSegment.Area; //get next data segment ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment) oSegment.Next()); //oSegment = (ediDataSegment) oSegment.Next(); } // Checks the 997 acknowledgment file just created. // The 997 file is an EDI file, so the logic to read the 997 Functional Acknowledgemnt file is similar // to translating any other EDI file. // Gets the first segment of the 997 acknowledgment file ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment) oAck.GetFirst997DataSegment()); //oSegment = (ediDataSegment) oAck.GetFirst997DataSegment(); while ( oSegment != null ) { nArea = oSegment.Area; sLoopSection = oSegment.LoopSection; sSegmentID = oSegment.ID; if (nArea == 1) { if (sLoopSection == "") { if (sSegmentID == "AK9") { if (oSegment.get_DataElementValue(1,0) == "R") { // reject EDI file } } } // sLoopSection == "" } //nArea == 1 ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment) oSegment.Next()); //oSegment = (ediDataSegment) oSegment.Next(); } //oSegment != null //save the acknowledgment oAck.Save(sPath + "997_" + sEdiFile); Cursor = Cursors.Default; MessageBox.Show("Done. Output = " + sPath + "997_" + sEdiFile);