Converting an EDI file to Text
This is a source code in Visual Basic that converts an EDI file to a text file using the EDIdEv Framework EDI (FREDI) component as the EDI parser. For this example, the text file will have an XML structure; but any text format such as sdf and csv will basically use the same algorithm. The algorithm is as follows:
Instantiate an EDI document object,
Load the appropriate SEF file, which is essentially a schema of a Transaction Set so that FREDI would know how to parse the corresponding EDI file correctly.
Load the EDI file into the EDI document object.
Have a loop that traverses through the EDI file by segment, and write its data into a text file.
Save and close text output.
Private Sub cmdTranEdiXml_Click()
Dim oEdiDoc As Fredi.ediDocument
Dim oSchemas As Fredi.ediSchemas
Dim oSegment As Fredi.ediDataSegment
Dim oElement As Fredi.ediDataElement
Dim oComposite As Fredi.ediDataElements
Dim oSubElement As Fredi.ediDataElement
Dim oXmlFile As Scripting.TextStream
Dim oFs As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim sSegmentId As String
Dim nElemCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim sPath As String
sPath = App.Path & "\"
Set oEdiDoc = New Fredi.ediDocument
'Changing the cursor type to forward does not load the entire EDI file at once,
'but a data segments at a time and disposing of them after being read, thus is more
'memory effecient
oEdiDoc.CursorType = Cursor_ForwardOnly
'Disable internal library, and use SEF files only.
Set oSchemas = oEdiDoc.GetSchemas
oSchemas.EnableStandardReference = False
'Load SEF file
oEdiDoc.LoadSchema sPath & "850_4010.SEF", Schema_Standard_Exchange_Format
'Load EDI File
oEdiDoc.LoadEdi sPath & "850.X12"
'create text file
Set oFs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set oXmlFile = oFs.CreateTextFile(sPath & "XmlFile.xml", True)
oXmlFile.Write "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""ISO-8859-1"" ?>"
'Write open tag for EDI X12 document
oXmlFile.Write "<EDI-X12-4010>"
'get first data segment in EDI file
Set oSegment = oEdiDoc.FirstDataSegment
'loop to traverse thru EDI file by segment
Do While Not oSegment Is Nothing
sSegmentId = oSegment.ID
'Write open tag for control segments
If sSegmentId = "ISA" Then
oXmlFile.Write "<Interchange-Control>"
ElseIf sSegmentId = "GS" Then
oXmlFile.Write "<Functional-Group-Control>"
ElseIf sSegmentId = "ST" Then
oXmlFile.Write "<Transaction-Set-Control>"
End If
'Write open segment reference information
oXmlFile.Write "<SegmentRef ID=""" & Trim(oSegment.ID) & """ Pos=""" _
& Trim(Str(oSegment.Position)) & """>"
nElemCount = oSegment.Count
For i = 1 To nElemCount
Set oElement = oSegment.DataElement(i)
'Write element information
oXmlFile.Write "<Element Id=""" & oElement.ID & """ Pos=""" & Trim(Str(oElement.Position)) _
& """ Value=""" & Trim(oElement.Value) & """/>"
'Write close tag for segment reference
oXmlFile.Write "</SegmentRef>"
'Write close tag for control segments
If sSegmentId = "SE" Then
oXmlFile.Write "</Transaction-Set-Control>"
ElseIf sSegmentId = "GE" Then
oXmlFile.Write "</Functional-Group-Control>"
ElseIf sSegmentId = "IEA" Then
oXmlFile.Write "</Interchange-Control>"
End If
'get next segment
Set oSegment = oSegment.Next
'Write close tag for EDI X12 document
oXmlFile.Write "</EDI-X12-4010>"
'end of text file
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
Below is a partial image of the Text file output
The actual program can be downloaded here.
Click here to evaluate the Framework EDI